about me

There is currently a war going on in Ukraine. Many people die every day.
The stance of amateur radio is that it is apolitical. However actions by the Russian Federation and their military have crossed a line and I cannot in this instance remain neutral. I never thought that such human-hating ideology could grow in Russia that led to a war to destroy a neighboring state. This ideology is real Russian fascism (rashism). As of early December 2024, more than 12,000 civilians, including more than 600 children, have been killed as a result of Russian aggression. According to the ICPM, more than 15,000 people are listed as missing.
I do not work with rashist stations and any stations from countries that support rashism.

My name is Oleh and I live in Kiev City, Ukraine. I am 63 years old. I have two sons. I have been living in Ukraine most of my life.

My interest in radio started way back in the 1970’s when I was a boy and I always wanted to be an Amateur Radio Operator, I finally obtained my first licence in 1986 with the call ut5uii. Now my callsign is ut2uf.

I celebrated my 35th year as a ham in 2021.

I operate mainly between 6 and 80 Mtrs on HF, typically cw. I usually chase DX and also I like ragchewing.

Member UARL
Member SKCC #18637